姓 名:张磊
职 称:讲师
邮 编:211816
E-mail: leizhang@njtech.edu.cn
2019.12-2021.05,意大利米兰理工大学,Department of Aerospace Science and Technology,访学
1. Lei Zhang, Yuke Dai, Xing Shen, et al. Research on an active pitching damper for transonic wind tunnel tests. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019,94:105364.
2. Xing Shen, Lei Zhang, Dongmei Qiu. A lever-bridge combined compliant mechanism for translation amplification. Precision Engineering, 2021,67:383-392.
3. Lei Zhang, Yan Xiao, Yongping Jiang, et al. Design and analysis of a thermally insulating and heating scheme for piezoelectric stack actuators used in the cryogenic environment. Trans. Nanjing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut. 2022(2):239-249.
4. 张磊, 姜帅和, 黄赟,等.基于压电的风洞全模试验模型振动抑制研究进展.应用力学学报.2022,39(4):607-616.
5. Yuke Dai, Lei Zhang, Zhenping Zhao, et al. Wind-Tunnel Evaluation for an Active Sting Damper Using Multimodal Neural Networks. AIAA Journal, 2020,58(5):1939-1948.
6. Yuke Dai, Xing Shen, Lei Zhang, et al. System identification and experiment evaluation of a piezoelectric-based sting damper in a transonic wind tunnel. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019,90(7):75102.
7. Lei Zhang, Xing Shen, Yuke Dai. Active vibration control of model-balance-sting for transonic wind tunnel tests: a neural network method: International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Incheon, 2019[C].
8. Lei Zhang, Xing Shen. Experimental Research on Active Pitch Damper for Transonic Wind Tunnel: The 9th NUAA-KAIST Joint Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing, 2018[C].
9. Xing Shen, Lei Zhang, Yuchen Chen. Development and validation research of an active sting damper in a transonic acoustic wind tunnel: 2018 15th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST).